Woman seeking counseling near Lake Champlain, Chittenden County, Burlington Vermont

As a therapist, Alyssa loves working with women to help them experience deep healing and growth.

Therapy uniquely focused on women's issues and concerns in Burlington, Vermont

Body image struggles. The emotional, mental, and physical toll of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Sexual assault and harassment. Balancing a career, motherhood, and perhaps marriage or a partnership, and the societal pressures that come with this. These complex yet prevalent struggles have an important factor in common: these are just a few of the experiences that many women frequently face throughout life. The legacy and heritage of womanhood is a concept that is handed down through generations, and as it is passed down, it is greatly affected by things like childhood experiences, generational trauma, family culture, expectations, and dysfunction, relationships with primary caregivers like mom or dad, and much more. This all has a profound impact on the mental wellness of women, as many of the issues described above are strongly correlated with depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Women are nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression, and this makes sense. Studies have led researchers to conclude that many of the issues and problems mentioned here contribute in very significant ways to mental health problems for women. 

The reason that this matters is because it is important for women to understand that they are not alone. If you are reading this and find yourself struggling with the concerns described above, or any other concerns related uniquely to women's issues, there is support available. Rooted Way Counseling specializes in walking alongside women through the counseling journey. Many clients that Alyssa sees for therapy are women who struggle with anxiety and depression. They talk about feeling a sense of confusion or "lost-ness" as they seek to make sense of and heal from experiences reaching as far back as childhood, and they express a desire to know more deeply who they are, how they've been shaped by their experiences, and to move forward in life with confidence in themselves. Alyssa has a passion for helping women with these struggles overcome anxiety, heal from traumatic experiences, and cultivate deep roots in themselves and in their souls in order to lead fulfilling, healed, and satisfying lives.

If you're interested in learning more about how therapy at Rooted Way Counseling can help you with these or other concerns, reach out today.